In order for the brain and body to function normally, it needs food – good food, real food. I get it….all you want to eat is carbs and sugar – anything to make you feel better, anything to stop you from drinking. I totally get it. Been there, done that. But here’s the thing. All I want you to do for now is try. Try to make good nutrition a priority when you ditch the booze. And here are 3 reasons why:
1. It looks better on you
For most of us, drinking really packs on the pounds. That extra jiggle around your waist and fullness in your face? You can thank those nightly glasses of wine.
Aside from the obvious impact of the calories from those cocktails, there’s also the “after booze food binge” and “hangover binge” adding to your waistline woes. I don’t need to spell it out for you, you know what I am talking about. Getting on the nutrition bandwagon will help free yourself of that “muffin-top.”
2. You’re nutrient deficient, my friend
Alcohol severely disrupts the body’s ability to break down and absorb nutrients from food. So, those cocktails:
- Depleted your body of nutrients needed for healthy skin and hair (which is why you look like you aged 10 years after a particularly boozy weekend).
- Disrupted your kidneys’ ability to function properly, causing increased water output which means those much-needed nutrients are exiting your body before it can use them.
- Messed with your intestines which can lead to poor absorption of vital nutrients – especially folic acid and B-complex vitamins which heavily impacts your mood.
- Blocked your body’s ability to properly process two important amino acids: tyrosine and tryptophan. This dynamic duo is responsible for the production of norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin – neurotransmitters that are essential for emotional stability, mental clarity, and a general state of well-being.
3. Your Blood Sugar Is Totally Out Of Whack
I bet you’re craving sugar, right? Totally normal – you’re craving sugar because it’s trying to get the dopamine “fix” it’s missing now that you stopped drinking. The reward centers in your brain need a new fix and sugar is a readily available replacement. If you are not careful, you will end up with a sugar addition. Blood sugar spikes and crashes? No thanks! There are lots of awesome yummies to keep your blood sugar balanced. Don’t worry.
Ok, next time we’ll talk about what little delights to add to your plate to start the healing. Get excited!
That’s a start.
Love you all,