I am finally officially writing my first blog post! I am actually doing it!!
I have wanted to launch this blog for over a year, but I’ve been stuck by the thinking and over-thinking that comes when I want something to be “perfect”. I have been passionate about it being something that truly serves people, and not just a place for me to call my own. And so although I don’t consider any of that time “wasted”, I am simply going to start here. Period. I am making a decision and I have decided that although this blog may end up becoming something that I can’t envision right now, NOW is the time that I am embarking on this journey.
The only time is now. Perhaps we’ll discover that this is the exact right time for you to join me, too. 🙂
Life is a journey, and we never arrive at a place in our lives without making a series of decisions. Everything starts with a decision. We decide what to think. We decide who to spend our time with and what we will do with that time. We decide where we will work. We decide what to eat at each meal. We decide whether or not we will exercise…
Decision after decision after decision.
More to come…..ever so much more!
With love,