Hello and Welcome to
My Sober Kitchen!
I’m Kimberley. A mom (X2), Gen Xer, native New Yorker living in the Pacific Northwest (Go Seahawks!) and definitely #sobernotboring. I’m a REAL food lover and meal prep fanatic. I love to laugh, dance and have parties. I love my hangover-free life. And I luuuuv feeling awesome. I created My Sober Kitchen to help you feel awesome, too – more often, without all the fuss or overwhelm, doable for real people living real lives – ya’ know, jobs, kids, housework, Netflix…..
Let food be thy medicine
I passionately believe in the healing power of food.…..whenever anything ails me, I want to know “what food can I eat to make this better, to find relief.” It was no different went I stopped drinking. I had unbelievable sugar cravings, radical mood swings, sleepless nights. I wanted to undo the damage done during my “wine-o’clock” days – let’s face it, alcohol wreaks havoc on the body. So, which foods would bring me relief? I did what everyone does, asked The Google. And guess what? There was hardly any information! What was available was lackluster, over scientific, overwhelming and boring. I found lots of (long and laborious) books, but nothing practical, easy-to-use or applicable to (my busy) real life.
Frustrated (and extremely motivated), I decided to roll up my sleeves and figure things out.
I dug deep and researched everything about food to help with detoxing and healing the addictive brain and became entrenched in cooking, nutrition, gut health, yoga, and the mind/body connection. I met with experts, went to meetings, joined on-line groups, took cooking classes and had private lessons from award-winning chefs, went to nutrition school, became a certified health and nutrition coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Leader with Yoga for 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR), a certified aromatherapist and a natural foods home cook.
The dots finally connected and I learned how to truly nourish my body, mind, and soul – with the right food, cooking at home and a healthy lifestyle.
Everything changed – I slept better, my thyroid healed, my neurotransmitters were flowing and doing their job, I no longer needed the inhaler I had for asthma symptoms, I looked years younger, my “muffin-top” disappeared, cravings for sugar vanished, the nightly 2:00 am tossing and turning ended, I no longer needed caffeine to get my day started, I felt calm, relaxed and happy. I was the life of the party again! What I now emphatically knew… healthy eating affects everything in our lives – how we feel, how we look, how we sleep, our mood, our confidence, our productivity, our relationships – so it’s pretty damn important that we get in the kitchen and cook.
Now, I’m ten times happier and much, much healthier.
So, welcome to My Sober Kitchen….
I created My Sober Kitchen to share knowledge and insights in a way that I wanted when I was searching – I couldn’t find it, so I created it. I want to help you transform. To inspire you to take tiny steps that will turn into giant leaps towards a new you. But most of all, I want to help you celebrate, support and sustain sober living utilizing the mind-blowing benefits of great nutrition, personal development and all things health and wellness.
Come on in!
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